MFFT app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Cuxtomlab
First release : 02 Jul 2019
App size: 36.22 Mb
About MFFT App
MFFT App is a loyalty membership program to reward patrons of our stores. Loyalty points are earned every time you spend and can be redeemed as well while at our stores. More importantly; we are working to reward our customers for their patronage and loyalty! This is the 1st step in many more initiatives we are planning to reward you, our loyalty patrons.
Check the latest news and happenings in the News Section of the APP including latest offers and upcoming promotions
A guide to the Brands and the respective Menu.
Ad-hoc and Promotional e-Vouchers will appear in your account including Birthday month vouchers. These e-vouchers can be redeemed very easily by scanning the QR code of the voucher at the Cashier Counter! It is as easy as that!
We have linked our Outlets to Google and Apple Maps for easy reference and guidance to the various outlets. The nearest outlet will be the default location at the top ; so ensue that your location services are ON when using this APP.
Do note the opening / closing timings of the outlets and you can easily call the outlet to get more details
This is your account where you can see a host of information from your Points to history of spending. Terms and Conditions; About MFFT and other information are there too.
Why You Should Download this App?
Download the MFFT APP now to start enjoying collecting loyalty points that will give you instant benefits when you dine at our Outlets. It is Free to download and sign up!
As mentioned; we have made accumulating and redeeming points as simple as possible where no paper is required and no extra steps! Just bring your device, log in to your account in the APP and present it to the Cashier!
The aim of this APP is to reward our patrons for loyalty and provide them information and vouchers ( to redeem) instantly and in the most convenient form.
More importantly; we want you to feel that you are part of the MFFT family and thereby building a bond through various channels with you; our patrons!